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Grosz, Elizabeth (2001) Architecture from the Outside: Essays on Virtual and Real Space (Writing Architecture), Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press.
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Invisible Places, Sounding Cities: Sound, Urbanism and Sense of Place, eds. Raquel Castro and Miguel Carvalhais, Viseu: Jardins Efémeros, (2014). Conference.
Rendell, J. Feminist Architecture: From A to Z in Reading Design online archive:
R, Rugoff, Dillon, B. & Rendell, J. (2008) Psycho Buildings: artists take on architecture. London: Hayward Publishing.
Till, J (2013) Architecture Depends. Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press.
Vidler, Anthony. (2001) Warped Space: Art, Architecture and Anxiety in Modern Culture, Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press.
Vidler, Anthony. (1992) The Architectural Uncanny, Essays in the Modern Unhomely, Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press.

FAT Architecture and Grayson Perry, a House for Essex

Cover image:
Susanna Round
Swimming in the Cathedral (2014)