Burton, J. & Dexter, E. (2005) Vitamin D: New Perspectives in Drawing. London: Phaidon.
Butler, C, Gross, J et al (2015), Drawing Redefined: Roni Horn, Esther Klas, Joelle Tuerlinckx, Richard Tuttle and Jorinde Voigt, Connecticut: Yale University Press
Deacon, R. (2014) Abstract Drawing. London: Ridinghouse in assoc. with Drawing Room.
Drawing Room, London has many valuable resources available online - these include essays relating to drawing/past exhibitions at the gallery: https://drawingroom.org.uk/resources/essays
Drawing Papers is a publication produced by The Drawing Center, New York. You can find many issues available online, such as Drawing Papers 126, Selections from the Sol LeWitt Collection.
Downs, S., Marshall, R., Sawdon, P., Selby, A., Tormey, J. eds. (2007) Drawing Now: Between the Lines of Contemporary Art. London: I. B. Tauris.
Hoptman, L. (2002) Drawing Now: Eight Propositions. New York: Museum of Modern Art.
Ingold, T. (2016) Lines. London: Routledge Classics
Kentridge, William (2014) Six Drawing Lessons (The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures). Boston: Harvard University Press. (See video below)
Kovats, T. ed. (2006) The Drawing Book: A Survey of Drawing: The Primary Means of Expression. London: Black Dog Publishing.
Nanobashvili, N, Teutenberg, T, Law, R (2019) Drawing Education – Worldwide: Continuities - Transfers – Mixtures, Heidelberg, Heidelberg University Publishing (see linked pdf)
Newman, Avis, and Catherine de Zegher. (2003) The Stage of Drawing—Gesture and Act: Selected from the Tate Collection. London: Tate Publications & New York: Drawing Center.
Petherbridge, D. (2010) The Primacy of Drawing: Histories and Theories of Practice. London: Yale University Press.
Rosand, D. (2002) Drawing Acts: Studies in Graphic Expression and Representation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sawdon, P. & Marshall, R. (2012) Hyperdrawing: Beyond the Lines of Contemporary Art. London: I. B. Tauris.
Schwabsky, B. (2016) The Perpetual Guest: Art in the Unfinished Present. London: Verso Books.
Stout, Katharine (2014), Contemporary Drawing: From the 1960s to Now. London: Tate Publishing
Joan Jonas describes her approach to drawing and its role within her overall practice.
Art 21Episode #212 (22 December 2014). Joan Jonas, Drawings
Dean Hughes, Bent Staples, 2008
Zoë Mendelson, Purity, Danger, Dirty Re-arranger, 2017

William Kentridge from Six Drawing Lessons (The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures), 2014
In Praise of Shadows