Proposing to someone for the sake of it
Some films about artists' proposals by Dr Zoë Mendelson
Artists have always proposed works, as yet unmade, in order to receive funding or explain their ideas (before scaling up or starting projects). Some artists though have made a career out of exposing their unmade or unrealised artworks – such as Peter Liversidge or Christo and Jeanne Claude, increasing their status. This series will highlight how value can side with a proposition and what we can learn from being outside the confines and economics of realisation.
Propositional Materials
A film about propositional materials. How does the behaviour of materials imply that a suggestion is being made? We will look at mobile or unfixed works and the role materials can play in future-tripping.

Proposing to someone for the sake of it
Accidentally on Purpose:
This is a short film about the role accidents, tests and trouble can play in the planning of works for audiences. I use my own practice as a model, including how an expensive misprint became an animation